
1 show / 2 showsuntil 30.0601.07-31.07 01.08-31.08
Baby class, puppy class25€ / 50€25€ / 50€
25€ / 50€
Veteran class25€ / 50€30€ / 60€35€ / 70€
Other classes35€ / 70€45€ / 90€55€ / 110€ 
Progeny class, breeder class, bracesFREE    
Child&dog; junior handling (only 14.09)15€ / - 

Payment options

  • Payment on EKU Online.
  • Payment by bank transfer: EE591010220102827016, receiver name: Tallinna Piirkondlik Koerakasvatajate Klubi MTÜ (AS SEB Pank | SWIFT Code (BIC): EEUHEE2X | Tornimäe 2, Tallinn 15010)
  • Payment at the show, please send quarantee letter in free writing to e-mail:

How to enter

Requirements for participants

  • All dogs participating in the shows must be identified by a legible microchip.
  • The dog must be vaccinated in accordance with the requirements in force in the Republic of Estonia, and in addition against parvo, rabies and canine distemper in accordance with the requirements of the pharmaceutical manufacturer and as stated in the veterinary passport.
  • Dogs with docked ears and/or tails (born on Aug 1st 2013 and later) cannot participate in the shows registered in the show calendar of EKU.
  • Show regulations and forms.